break even

break even [breik ˈi:vən]  [brek ˈivən] 

break even 基本解释

break even的意思

保本; 不盈不亏; 够本; 得失相当

break even 网络解释

1. 收支平衡:假设每年公司工作250天,那要达到收支平衡(break even)的话公司每天应该要至少收入8000元. 有个讽刺咨询师的比喻是说,咨询师是吧客户端手表拿过来然后告诉他们时间的人. 更糟糕的是,咨询师把客户端手表拿走了,还有收钱.

2. 盈亏平衡点:盈亏平衡点(Break even)是固定成本从产品销售中收回固定成本,但并没有产生利润的产品生产数量. 促销和生产都很费钱. 必须找到一个方法来收回这些投资. 营销的整体意义就在于此,即:回收成本、创造利润.

3. 不赔不赚:beyond compare 绝佳的、最棒的 | break even 不赔不赚 | by the book 照章办事

4. 不赚 不赔:break bulk 下货,卸货 | break even 不赚 不赔 | break even point 损益 两平

break even 单语例句

1. Experts say that using gravel instead of concrete to fill pier foundations will cause them to tilt or even break in the future.

2. An AEON spokeswoman said the company expected to break even in a year or two, and start making profit in four years.

3. Such fragile hearts have we that break so easily when even the slightest bitter taste of disappointment flickers across the tongue.

4. Even the coordinated action may not break the panicky mindset that has gripped investors across the world as jobs evaporate and retirement savings dry up.

5. Even from a utilitarian point of view, too frequent a commercial break can make ads ineffective.

6. It will even present break dance, the trendy genre loved by the younger generation.

7. break even的翻译

7. The player who committed a foul stroke receives no points for that stroke even if a legitimate ball was potted and the break is over.

8. Even the annoying annual lease renewal process can be viewed positively, as a natural break from routine.

9. They may not even know what a sense of security means, but they break their backs to make ends meet.

10. But striker Bai Jie slotted home to even the score just after the break and scrape a share of the spoils in an uninspired effort.

break even 英英释义


1. break even是什么意思

1. attain a level at which there is neither gain nor loss, as in business, gambling, or a competitive sport

2. make neither profit nor loss
