
breadbasket [ˈbredbɑ:skɪt]  [ˈbredbæskɪt] 

breadbasket 基本解释
breadbasket 网络解释

1. 胃:bread-and-butter 实用的 | breadbasket 胃 | breadless 无面包的

2. 胃, 腹:bread-and-butter || 实用的, 生计的,基本的 | breadbasket || 胃, 腹 | breadboard area || 模拟区域, 功能实验区

3. 高爆炸弹:高半胱氨酸homocysteine | 高爆炸弹breadbasket | 高比重的hyperbaric

4. 面包篮:Teaspoon茶勺 | Breadbasket面包篮 | Sugarbowl糖罐

breadbasket 双语例句

1. In places such as Punjab and Haryana, India`s breadbasket states, the new technology also widened the gap between rich and poor.

2. Today, North America is not only the world's breadbasket, but its feed bag as well

3. I thought I'd let you at least enjoy the breadbasket first.

4. It is supposed to be a breadbasket, but there has always been major discrimination against grain-based areas in China.


5. More and more countries have become importers, increasing their dependence on the North American breadbasket


6. My White author Kung Fu officer said I had a breadbasket problem.

7. Although Henan produces a quarter of China`s wheat, the area around Qiaobei is no breadbasket; it is hilly, rocky country where the farm families eat most of what they grow.
    尽管河南小麦产量占全国1/4 ,桥北地区却不是小麦产区。桥北是个多岩石的丘陵地区,这里农民大多自给自足。


8. Farms producing many varieties of grain cover America's center states, making it the breadbasket of the nation.


9. Today, North America is not only the world's breadbasket, but its feed bag as well.

10. Grain traders in Ukraine are throwing thousands of tonnes of rotting crops into the Black Sea as a protectionist trade embargo in what was once the breadbasket of Europe extends into its fifth month.

11. America cannot indefinitely serve as the breadbasket for the world.

12. The affected area is primarily in central and eastern China, covering the country's breadbasket where much of the winter wheat crop is raised.


13. The Aryans were essentially the breadbasket and industrial centers and thus provided the5 islands with the bulk of produce and industrial machinery.

14. More and more countries have become importers, increasing their dependence on the North American breadbasket.

15. The country depends on that area for grain; the northeast is often called China's breadbasket.


16. China is already suffering from acute water shortages in its breadbasket north.

17. Elsewhere the concern is that cash-strapped farmers, particularly in breadbasket countries such as Ukraine, Argentina and Brazil, will reduce their use of high-yield hybrid seeds and fertilisers, hurting output.

18. In spring and summer, the train will travel through a lush agricultural breadbasket, especially in the rice-growing areas of southern Hunan Province.

breadbasket 单语例句

1. BEIJING - Chinese scientists are warning that the country's northeast breadbasket regions are in danger of losing their fertility because of soil erosion and degeneration.

2. Scientists are warning that the country's northeast breadbasket regions are in danger of losing their fertility because of soil erosion and degeneration.

3. The key issues were blurred - such as the integrity of future grain exports from the region's former breadbasket if GM strains were grown.

4. As the'breadbasket'of northern Guizhou, its agricultural output is between a quarter and a third of the province's total output.

5. breadbasket是什么意思

5. The drought has left more than 40 percent of the country's wheat fields parched, especially in the major breadbasket of Central and North China.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Workers construct an irrigation canal in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, often dubbed the country's breadbasket.

7. breadbasket的解释

7. But drought relief efforts - especially in the breadbasket area of central and north China - have shown some success.

8. breadbasket的解释

8. The authentic Italian meal starts with a perfect pair - olive oil and a breadbasket.

breadbasket 英英释义


1. a basket for serving bread

2. an enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal
    the principal organ of digestion

    Synonym: stomach tummy tum

3. a geographic region serving as the principal source of grain
