bread and butter

bread and butter [bred ænd ˈbʌtə]  [brɛd ənd ˈbʌtɚ] 

bread and butter 基本解释

bread and butter


bread and butter 相关例句

bread and butter


1. Don't quarrel with your bread and butter.

2. Routine office work is my bread and butter.

3. He doesn't just write for fun; writing is his bread and butter.

bread and butter 网络解释

bread and butter

1. 生活必需品;衣、食和住,生计:be bound to do sth. 一定会..., 必然... | bread and butter 生活必需品; 衣、食和住, 生计 | have got to 必须, 不得不

2. 面包抹黄油:抹黄油的面包 bread and butter | 面包抹黄油 bread and butter | 黄油面包 butter bread

3. 抹黄油的面包:无黄油烤面包片 dry toast | 抹黄油的面包 bread and butter | 面包抹黄油 bread and butter

bread and butter 词典解释
bread and butter的反义词

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 生计;谋生之道;主要收入来源
    Something that is the bread and butter of a person or organization is the activity or work that provides the main part of their income.

    e.g. The mobile phone business was actually his bread and butter.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 最基本的;影响到大多数人的
    Bread and butter issues or matters are ones which are important to most people, because they affect them personally.

    e.g. The opposition gained support by concentrating on bread-and-butter matters.

bread and butter 单语例句

1. For them anything that's anti China is their bread and butter and good journalism.

2. The bread is made from corn and served with butter and guacamole sauce, made from avocado.

3. That meant a whole new ballgame for auto parts supplier companies who used to rely on the domestic Big 3 as bread and butter customers.

4. " They are the bread and butter of our investigations, " Mueller said.

5. Food and beverage is the bread and butter of New Zealand produce.

6. As long as our judiciary has to depend on local governments for bread and butter, independence or neutrality is out of the question.

7. He would win drawing contests as a matter of habit in school, but never thought of making art his bread and butter.

8. The strategy revolves around business travel as the bread and butter to sell seats.

9. The president said in his speech that the environment is their " bread and butter " and they always try to preserve the country's natural beauty.


10. The concept of providing the best customer service should rightfully be the bread and butter of your business.

bread and butter 英英释义

bread and butter的解释


1. the financial means whereby one lives

    e.g. each child was expected to pay for their keep
           he applied to the state for support
           he could no longer earn his own livelihood

    Synonym: support keep livelihood living sustenance
