
branched [b'rɑ:ntʃt]  [b'rɑ:ntʃt] 






branched 基本解释
branched 网络解释

1. 分枝的:branch tendril 枝卷须 | branched 分枝的 | branched chain amino acid 分支链氨基酸

2. 分支的:branch switch ==> 支路开关 | branched ==> 分支的 | branched distributor ==> 分支配电线

3. 分支的,分叉的:branch duct [通风]支管 | branched 分支的,分叉的 | branched distributor 分支配电线

4. 分支的,分枝的:branch-path incidence matrix ==> 支路回路关联矩阵 | branched ==> 分支的,分枝的 | branched acinous gland ==> 分支泡状腺

branched 单语例句

1. DaVinci Furniture was established in Singapore in 1994 and branched out into China in 1998, eventually becoming the country's largest dealer in luxury furniture.

2. Nan dan branched off near the roots of Peking Opera's evolutionary tree, during a time when women were banned from the stage.

3. The weekly said Clinton then branched out into an attack on media intrusion into the private lives of public figures.

4. As barges laden with goods churned upstream and irrigation canals branched out like capillaries, the river's even flow seemed in many ways remarkable.

5. And since the end of apartheid in 1994, it has branched out to other African countries.

6. Great Wall Society members visited the Great Wall on foot and branched out on two lines going east and west.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. He has employed more than 30 people in Guangzhou and his company has branched off in many cities across Guangdong Province.

8. But his fortunes dipped after he branched into real estate and financial dealings.

9. He was first employed as a bartender at Singles and then branched out to start his own bar in 1999.

branched 英英释义


1. having branches

    Synonym: branching ramose ramous ramate

2. resembling a fork
    divided or separated into two branches

    e.g. the biramous appendages of an arthropod
           long branched hairs on its legson which pollen collects
           a forked river
           a forked tail
           forked lightning
           horseradish grown in poor soil may develop prongy roots

    Synonym: bifurcate biramous forked fork-like forficate pronged prongy
