
brainstorm [ˈbreɪnstɔ:m]  [ˈbreɪnstɔ:rm] 








brainstorm 基本解释


名词<英><非正> 脑猝病; 计上心头; 突来的灵感; 集体研讨


brainstorm 相关例句



1. After months of futile labor, the scientist suddenly had a brainstorm and solved the problem.

2. The marketing team brainstormed for hours in designing the marketing campaign for the new product.

brainstorm 网络解释

1. 脑力激荡:MindManager X5是一套可视化的工具,可以让你在脑力激荡(brainstorm)和计划(plan)(idea)的整合. 提供许多的便笺(note-pads),挂图(flipcharts)和白板(white boards包含了搜索结果(search results)并且与其它站台做一个相当完整的链接(news feeds)MindManager X5的特色在於使用最前沿(cutting-edge)的工具来使头脑风暴和计划更

2. 集体讨论:这个容易使用的版本对于集体讨论(brainstorm)、计划项目和创建看似专业的介绍是十分完美的. 与Microsoft Project和Microsoft Office Suite结合. 无缝结合(Seamless Integration)MindManager通过捕捉、组织您的想法,帮助您节省了时间,

3. 激荡:当几个人进行围桌小组讨论,由於组员之间的开放心胸(open system),由互相脑力激荡(brainstorm)而产生高妙之结论 (即量子跳跃),远超过个人单独思考所能达到的成就.

brainstorm 词典解释

1. brainstorm

1. 一时糊涂;头脑发热
    If you have a brainstorm, you suddenly become unable to think clearly.

    e.g. I can have a brainstorm and be very extravagant.

2. 突然想到的好主意;灵感
    If you have a brainstorm, you suddenly have a clever idea.

    e.g. 'Look,' she said, getting a brainstorm, 'Why don't you invite them here?'

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 brainwave

3. 集思广益;集体献计
    If a group of people brainstorm, they have a meeting in which they all put forward as many ideas and suggestions as they can think of.

    e.g. The women meet twice a month to brainstorm and set business goals for each other...
    e.g. We can brainstorm a list of the most influential individuals in the company.

Hundreds of ideas had been tried and discarded during two years of brainstorming.
brainstorm 单语例句

1. Even days before the announcement of his appointment, he was in Beijing to help the local government brainstorm as an international enterprises advisor.

2. NIAC was set up in 1988 as a way to brainstorm revolutionary ideas that go beyond anything NASA does today.

3. Yang's instructors also had students design fashion label advertisements and brainstorm boutique store decoration schemes.

4. So we brainstorm on many different topics such as terrorism and economics.

5. In theory the new team should brainstorm all current problems for their outfit and swiftly come up with one exciting solution after another.

6. Representatives from 15 of the most popular pavilions met with organizers on Saturday evening to brainstorm better ways of controlling human traffic.

7. Customers looking for inspiration can browse her private collection, or brainstorm ideas with the designer during the thorough consultation.


8. Ten forums were held on the various creative industries as well as brainstorm more ideas for further development in these fields.

9. The team hosts DIY salons and a book club to brainstorm about the latest technology and its potential.

10. brainstorm的意思

10. The two usually brainstorm for clips, then Duan works the camera as Gao emcees.

brainstorm 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. the clear (and often sudden) understanding of a complex situation

    Synonym: insight brainwave


1. try to solve a problem by thinking intensely about it
