
brainpower [ˈbreɪnpaʊə(r)]  [ˈbrenˌpaʊɚ] 

brainpower 基本解释


名词智能,智囊,智囊团; 智士

brainpower 网络解释

1. 脑力:<<财富>>(Fortone)的特约撰稿人发表了第一篇关于知识管理的文章:<<脑力>>(Brainpower),介绍美国智力资本是怎样成为美国最有价值资产的,由此引发了知识管理研究和实践的浪潮.

2. 智力:brainpan 脑壳 | brainpower 智力 | brainsick 有精神病的

3. 智能:brainpan 头盖 | brainpower 智能 | brains trust 智囊团

4. 科学家:braincenter 计算中心 | brainpower 科学家 | brains 智囊团

brainpower 词典解释

1. brainpower的翻译

1. 脑力;智能;智力
    Brainpower is intelligence or the ability to think.

    e.g. She admired Robert's brainpower.

2. (某组织或国家的)人才队伍,人才
    You can refer to the intelligent people in an organization or country as its brainpower .

    e.g. A country's principal resource is its brainpower.

brainpower 单语例句

1. An only child, he has faced trouble before because of his brainpower.

2. Pfizer Inc is establishing inland operations from coastal regions to take advantage of smart, but less expensive brainpower in China.


3. The move follows the efforts of SASAC to introduce more qualified brainpower to help improve the management of SOEs.

4. But most of them have taken the easy way out, by outsourcing their advanced brainpower to Europe and North America.

5. It needs original ideas and the brains to design and develop new products and set up SEZs of " brainpower ".

6. Save your energy and brainpower for that most important gift, the one for your lady.

7. Being a white collar usually means making a living with brainpower, not physical strength.

8. Coren added that dogs have domestication to thank for their growing brainpower.

9. Leveraging brainpower is a gradual process in which new skills have to be developed.

brainpower 英英释义


1. mental ability

    e.g. he's got plenty of brains but no common sense

    Synonym: brain learning ability mental capacity mentality wit
