

bp 基本解释


(=base pair)碱基对

bp 网络解释


1. 英国药典:为了保证产品质量,辽阳富强具有实验室、菌检室及开发部,严格按照<<美国药典>>(USP)、<<英国药典>>(BP)、<<美国食品化工典>>(FCC)版的标准进行生产与检验.

2. 血压:B 血压(BP):糖尿病患者的血压达标值为低于130/80 mmHg. C 血脂:低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)应降至100 mg/dl以下;高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)应升至40 mg/dl(男性)或50 mg/d

3. bp:bp blood pressure; 血压

4. bp:butt plate; 底板

5. bp:bypass passage; 旁路

6. bp:belief propagation; bp算法

bp 单语例句

1. BP could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters outside regular US business hours.

2. bp

2. Any fines would be on top of the compensation BP has agreed to pay to thousands of people harmed by the spill.

3. He founded the BP Institute at the University of Cambridge as well as institutes at Princeton and Berkeley universities and the California Institute of Technology.

4. bp

4. About 15 percent of investors in Boone Pickens's BP Capital LLC hedge fund may want their money back.

5. Sinopec holds 60 per cent of the joint venture " at the initial stage, " while BP holds the rest.

6. The BBC said a plane chartered by oil company BP had arrived in Libya to pick up employees of the firm.

7. Fifteen of this year's dead dolphins had oil on them, and NOAA chemically linked six of those to the BP well.

8. bp的意思

8. Wells said BP may have to bring another vessel back online and add additional collection capacity in order to stop the oil flow altogether.

9. Bob Riley said the state might use its $ 15 million in tourism promotion money from BP to stage additional shows through the fall.

10. " It's not a core competency of BP so we're trying to get them some help, " Allen said.
