boy scout

boy scout [bɔi skaut]  [bɔɪ skaʊt] 

boy scout 基本解释
boy scout 网络解释

boy scout的翻译

1. 童子军:童子军种类很多,稚龄童军(pre cub scout)===>六岁半至十岁半,幼童军(cub scout)===>八岁至十二岁,童子军(boy scout)===>十一岁以上,行义童子军(senior scout)十四岁以上,海童军(sea scout)及空童军(air scout)===>十五岁以上,f.

2. 只做道德的选择:Nice Guys are Chumps: 做一次非道德的选择 | Boy Scout: 只做道德的选择 | Executive Potential: 只做非道德的选择

3. 美国童子军成员:Bounty Hunter 为获赏金而搜捕犯人的人 | Boy Scout 美国童子军成员 | Boy wonder,whiz kid <美口>神童

4. 童子军, 过于理想而不切实际者,单纯的政治家:boy scout day || 童子军节 | boy scout || 童子军, 过于理想而不切实际者,单纯的政治家 | boy toyer || 有年轻情夫的老妇人

boy scout 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. The flames also brought the evacuation of a Boy Scout camp Saturday and left about 100 hikers stranded in a parking lot.

2. Four people were killed and 40 more injured after a tornado razed a Boy Scout camp in western Iowa.

3. He recalled his days as a Boy Scout in his May 2006 application to BOSS.

boy scout 英英释义

boy scout


1. a man who is considered naive
