
box [bɒks]  [bɑ:ks] 









box 基本解释

名词盒; 箱状物; 包厢; 哨房



box 相关词组


1. in the wrong box : 处于困境;

2. in the same box : 处于同样的困境;

3. box up : 装箱, 困住;

box 相关例句



1. The apples were boxed and sent off quickly.

2. They were boxed up in a shed on the hill during the flood.

3. Paul will box his opponent tomorrow evening.


1. She gave him a box on the ear.

2. What's on the box tonight?

box 情景对话



A:Stand back from the door, please. There’re plenty of seats in the rear.

B:What’s the fare, please?

A:One yuan fifty cents. Drop it in the box here.
      1 元5 角,把它放进箱子里。

B:Is this the right bus to Zizhuyuan Park?

A:Take a No.2. This is No.12.
      应该乘2 路车,这是12 路。

B:But somebody told me this was the right bus to take. I want to go to Tian’anmen Square, you see.

A:Then this is the right bus. Move on, please. You’re holding up the passengers. Tian’anmen Square is the last stop but one.

B:Would you please let me know when we get there?

A:Sure thing. I’ll shout it out.


A:Next, please! Hello, may I help you, sir?

B:Yes, I want to send a registered airmail letter to France.

A:O.K. That comes to four dollars twenty cents.
      好的,总共要4 美元20 分。

B:Here is five dollars.
      给您5 美元。

A:Here is your change. Please wait for your receipt of the registered mail.

B:I also want to pick up my package. This is the notice.

A:Let me see…Hmm…Just a minute. Here it is. We need your signature on this note.

B:Oh, one more thing. Where can I mail this letter?

A:Drop it in the mail box marked “Out of town” at that corner.

B:Thank you very much.

A:You’re welcome.

box 网络解释

1. <立方体>:每个人都有许多不同的方法来开始建模,大多数的人喜欢从一个立方体(Box)开始,然后变形,慢慢的添加更多的细节. 我有时也用那种方法,不过对于这个模型,我还是用我的挤压方法,如果对你没用,那么我只能说对不起了,

2. box:buried oxide; 用埋层二氧化硅

box 词典解释

1. 盒子;箱子;匣子
    A box is a square or rectangular container with hard or stiff sides. Boxes often have lids.

    e.g. He reached into the cardboard box beside him...
    e.g. They sat on wooden boxes.

2. (在纸张、道路等上印制或画出的)方格,方框
    A box is a square or rectangle that is printed or drawn on a piece of paper, a road, or on some other surface.

3. (足球场的)罚球区
    In football, the box is the penalty area of the field.

    e.g. He scored from the penalty spot after being brought down in the box.

4. (剧院或运动场的)包厢
    A box is a small separate area in a theatre or at a sports ground or stadium, where a small number of people can sit to watch the performance or game.

5. 电视机
    Television is sometimes referred to as the box .

    e.g. Do you watch it live at all or do you watch it on the box?

6. (用在数字前表示邮政地址)邮政信箱,邮箱
    Box is used before a number as a postal address by organizations that receive a lot of mail.

    e.g. ...Country Crafts, Box 111, Landisville.

7. 黄杨(小型长绿树,常用作篱笆)
    Box is a small evergreen tree with dark leaves which is often used to form hedges.

    e.g. hedges.

8. (按照拳击运动的规则)击打
    To box means to fight someone according to the rules of boxing.

    e.g. At school I boxed and played rugby...
    e.g. The two fighters had previously boxed a 12-round match.

9. see also: boxed;boxing;black box;chocolate-box;lunch box;phone box;post office box;postbox;sentry box;signal box;telephone box

10. to box someone's ears -> see ear

boxed in
The Chancellor is boxed in by inflation targets and sterling.

相关词组:box in

box 单语例句

1. box的意思

1. A senior business intelligence manager with Microsoft Corp locates authenticity markers on a box of genuine Microsoft software.

2. Butterfly's only real distinctive feature is a green lizard, which seems completely disinterested in house music and lives in a box downstairs.

3. box什么意思

3. They also sell a mixed box of cookies that is full of crunchy, buttery goodness.

4. I burnt the top of my left buttock on an electrical box.

5. The salesperson even persuaded her to buy another box to consolidate the effect.

6. Ma also vowed to improve postal services in urban areas by increasing letter box coverage in residential buildings.

7. Investors would be able to hedge against potential flops by preselling a share of future box office receipts.

8. For the past five years, the box office gross has been increasing by more than 20 percent year on year.

9. box

9. The movie is partly a Chinese production, and judging by word of mouth it should have grossed some decent box office gloss.

10. box是什么意思

10. The cache was buried 18 inches deep and was packed into a hole the size of a large shoe box.

box 英英释义



1. a blow with the hand (usually on the ear)

    e.g. I gave him a good box on the ear

2. a (usually rectangular) container
    may have a lid

    e.g. he rummaged through a box of spare parts

3. separate partitioned area in a public place for a few people

    e.g. the sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold

4. private area in a theater or grandstand where a small group can watch the performance

    e.g. the royal box was empty

    Synonym: loge

5. the driver's seat on a coach

    e.g. an armed guard sat in the box with the driver

    Synonym: box seat

6. any one of several designated areas on a ball field where the batter or catcher or coaches are positioned

    e.g. the umpire warned the batter to stay in the batter's box

7. evergreen shrubs or small trees

    Synonym: boxwood

8. the quantity contained in a box

    e.g. he gave her a box of chocolates

    Synonym: boxful

9. box是什么意思

9. a rectangular drawing

    e.g. the flowchart contained many boxes

10. a predicament from which a skillful or graceful escape is impossible

    e.g. his lying got him into a tight corner

    Synonym: corner


1. box是什么意思

1. engage in a boxing match

2. box

2. hit with the fist

    e.g. I'll box your ears!

3. put into a box

    e.g. box the gift, please

    Synonym: package
