
bounteous [ˈbaʊntiəs]  [ˈbaʊntiəs] 

bounteous 基本解释

形容词慷慨的; <书>大方的; <诗>丰富的; 充足的

bounteous 相关例句


1. Because of the spring rains, the farmers had a bounteous crop.

bounteous 网络解释

1. 慷慨的:bounty 奖金,慷慨好施 | bounteous 慷慨的 | bountiful 丰富,大方的

2. 宽裕的:boundrystaterealmabutalsambitbournecumstance 境界 | bounteous 宽裕的 | bounteousnessrichness 富裕

3. 宽宏大量的, 慷慨的:bounds on error || 误差界限 | bounteous || 宽宏大量的, 慷慨的 | bounteously || 慷慨地, 丰富地

4. 慷慨的,丰富的:boulder 大石块 | bounteous 慷慨的,丰富的 | bouquet 一束(花)

bounteous 英英释义


1. given or giving freely

    e.g. was a big tipper
           the bounteous goodness of God
           bountiful compliments
           a freehanded host
           a handsome allowance
           Saturday's child is loving and giving
           a liberal backer of the arts
           a munificent gift
           her fond and openhanded grandfather

    Synonym: big bighearted bountiful freehanded handsome giving liberal openhanded
