botch up

botch up

botch up 双语例句

botch up

1. I'm afraid the unexpected accident may botch up the dinner tonight.

2. Afraid I Might Botch Things Up With Bianchi If I Were On My Own?

3. You've probably made a botch-up of repairing the computer.


4. She looked broken, shattered—like her sanity had been cobbled together with Spellotape, and a botch-up job of it at that.

5. Don't botch it up this time.

botch up的近义词

6. And if you botch this up, we'll keep her and get rid of you.

7. Don't give the job to Reed, he'll only botch it up.

botch up在线翻译

8. The mechanic tried to repair my car, but he really botch It up

9. They were victims of a computer botch-up.
