
bonhomie [ˈbɒnəmi]  [ˌbɑ:nəˈmi:] 

bonhomie 基本解释



bonhomie 网络解释


1. 温和:boner 愚笨的错误 | bonhomie 温和 | bonus system 奖金制度

2. 温和,和蔼:blemish 损害v | bonhomie 温和,和蔼 | bonus 红利,奖金

3. 温和, 敦厚:bongrace || 前缘突出的帽子(女帽) | bonhomie || 温和, 敦厚 | bonhommie || 温和, 敦厚

4. 温容/敦厚:bongo /羚羊的一种/小鼓/ | bonhomie /温容/敦厚/ | bonhommie /温容/敦厚/

bonhomie 双语例句

1. But there will be many doubts about whether all the Olympic bonhomie has transformed the way China sees the world.

2. For all the recent bonhomie there are lots of potential strains with the current occupant of the White House.


3. If you can make them chuckle it creates an air of bonhomie which in turn will help you relax.

4. He had an irrepressible bonhomie, a networking sense and an uncanny memory for names and faces.

5. I've often wondered why some good crime witer...hasn't taken up with New Orleans, what with its special raffishness, its peculiar flavor of bonhomie and a slightly suspect charm.

6. I`ve often wondered why some good crime writer... hasn`t taken up with New Orleans, what with its special raffishness, its peculiar flavor of bonhomie and a slightly suspect charm.

7. I've often wondered why some good crime writer... hasn't taken up with New Orleans, what with its special raffishness, its peculiar flavor of bonhomie and a slightly suspect charmWalker Percy

8. He was full of bonhomie.

9. Tough enough when your departure is full of back-slapping and bonhomie;

10. Even in private meetings, he has dropped his habitual bonhomie and wisecracking, presumably in a bid to appear solemn and presidential.

11. Amid all the bonhomie, both hosts and guests are emphasising how keen they are to stop Iran getting nuclear weapons.

12. Despite the apparent bonhomie of this week's meetings, frictions are likely to continue to trouble Sino-US military contacts.


13. He's a charismatic preacher and radiates bonhomie.

14. Tough enough when your departure is full of back-slapping and bonhomie; it's doubly difficult when there is a cloud over your exit and all this has to be delivered through gritted teeth.

15. Cameras in tow, hewould breeze into a company, dispensing blunt criticism, bonhomie and briskadvice in equal portions.

bonhomie 词典解释

1. 欢快友好的感觉;友善
    Bonhomie is happy, good-natured friendliness.

    e.g. He was full of bonhomie.

bonhomie 单语例句

1. There's a sense of bonhomie, a feeling of togetherness engendered by this way of eating.

2. The visit demonstrated extremely warm personal bonhomie, and provided Singh with an opportunity to address more than 600 business leaders.

bonhomie 英英释义


1. bonhomie

1. a disposition to be friendly and approachable (easy to talk to)

    Synonym: affability affableness amiability amiableness geniality
