1. 篝火:名厨陶德英格利希 (Todd English) 的牛排店篝火 (Bonfire) 主营充满欧洲和拉美风味的上等牛排. 天鹅咖啡厅 (Swan's Café) 供应美式菜肴和下午茶. 威士忌公园 (Whiskey Park) 是一家极具格调的鸡尾酒吧,吸引了无数人来体验夜生活.
2. 大篝火:bonesetting 接骨术 | bonfire 大篝火 | bongo 大羚羊
3. 营火、篝火:龙卷风twister | 营火、篝火bonfire | 临时停尸室a makeshift morgue
4. 大篝火;从水龙卷底部四周喷出的水花;溅水雾花:bonfire 大篝火 | bonfire 大篝火;从水龙卷底部四周喷出的水花;溅水雾花 | bongrace 旧绳索的纺织物
1. (焚烧垃圾的)火堆;(作为庆祝点燃的)篝火,营火
A bonfire is a fire that is made outdoors, usually to burn rubbish. Bonfires are also sometimes lit as part of a celebration.
e.g. With bonfires outlawed in urban areas, gardeners must cart their refuse to a dump...
e.g. They celebrated the event by holding parades, lighting bonfires and setting off fireworks.
1. It was Ba Jie who thought of digging deep trenches around the bonfire and pouring boiling water into them when the crab army invaded again.
2. Once a bonfire was blazing in the centre of the schoolyard, both US and Chinese students instantly shed all semblance of primness.
3. Guy Fawkes is the name of a man we remember on Bonfire Night.
4. Tibetan people celebrated liberation by making a bonfire of land indenture contracts, usury bills and serf ownership documents.
5. The festival schedule includes a range of exhibitions and a grand bonfire when all the scarecrows are cast into the flames.
6. A bonfire was lit in the middle of a large clearing around which people sang local folk songs and danced.
7. The bonfire dance was honored as an intangible cultural heritage in 2006 when China issued its first nationally ranked cultural heritage sites.
8. The dance originated in ancient times when a group of travelling merchants set up a bonfire for cooking tea at night.
9. They danced around the bonfire after dinner to drive away the fatigue caused by their daylong excursion.
10. bonfire
10. Wrapped in a filthy blanket, he had spent the night with dozens of others huddled around a public bonfire.
1. a large outdoor fire that is lighted as a signal or in celebration
Synonym: balefire