bone marrow

bone marrow [bəun ˈmærəʊ]  [bon ˈmæro] 

bone marrow 基本解释



bone marrow 网络解释

1. 骨髓:(一) 免疫器官1、中枢免疫器官1) 骨髓(Bone marrow)样组织:鱼类无淋巴造血的骨髓,但在软骨鱼的眶区和颅下区存在淋巴组织或骨髓样组织,可形成血细胞,具有与高等脊椎动物骨髓相似的结构与功能.

2. 髓:大家都知道,骨髓(bone marrow)是产生细胞的地方,最初产生的细胞叫干细胞(stem cells),骨髓干细胞促使生成组成血液的原细胞(progenitor cells),原细胞最后发展为红血细胞和白血细胞(具免疫功能).

3. 照射:胎肝:bone marrow | 照射:Bone marrow | 骨髓:bone marrow

4. 胎肝:骨髓间充质干细胞/骨髓基质细胞:bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell/ bone marrow stromal cell | 胎肝:bone marrow | 照射:Bone marrow

5. bone-marrow:bm; 骨髓

bone marrow 词典解释
bone marrow的翻译

1. 骨髓
    Bone marrow is the soft fatty substance inside human or animal bones.

    e.g. There are 2,000 children worldwide who need a bone marrow transplant.

bone marrow 单语例句

1. The procedure was performed as an alternative to a bone marrow transplant.

2. bone marrow是什么意思

2. A doctor slid a long needle into his hip bone and drew out marrow for analysis.

3. He received bone marrow transplantation, and all seemed to be well.

4. Aplastic anemia is a blood disease in which the bone marrow stops producing blood platelets and red and white blood cells.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Ms Wells is in China to seek donation of a bone marrow which may cure her daughter's aplastic anemia.

6. It is used in treating anemia and leukemia as well as in bone marrow transplants and chemotherapy.

7. Last month, bone marrow was removed from the boy and transplanted into one of the twins.

8. Larry Wolfe, said that a perfect bone marrow match for Shannon could not be found.

9. The most effective way to treat the cancer is bone marrow transplant.

10. Her condition worsened in May to the extent she needed an emergency bone marrow transplant.

bone marrow 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. the fatty network of connective tissue that fills the cavities of bones

    Synonym: marrow

2. very tender and very nutritious tissue from marrowbones

    Synonym: marrow
