
bolster [ˈbəʊlstə(r)]  [ˈboʊlstə(r)]








bolster 基本解释


及物动词支持; 支撑; 鼓励; 援助

名词垫枕; 长枕; 衬垫; 支持物

bolster 相关例句


1. He bolstered his plea with new evidence.

2. Pillars bolster the roof.

3. Both sides offered statistics to bolster their arguments.

bolster 网络解释

1. 平板:产品高速冲床送料机材料架矫正机三合一数控送料机切废料机产品展示此处可编辑高速冲床产品规格 机型(model)c30能力(capacity)30ton行程(stroke)20mm25mm30mm每分钟行程数(s.p.m)200-1000200-900200-800闭合高度(die-height)190-220平板(bolster)620×

2. 上下模板:blanking die 落料冲头 | bolster 上下模板 | bottom board 浇注底板

3. 垫板:bottom board 浇注底板 | bolster 垫板 | bottom plate 下固定板

4. 长枕:pillow 枕头 | bolster 长枕 | pillow case 枕套

bolster 词典解释

1. 增强(信心);鼓舞(士气)
    If you bolster something such as someone's confidence or courage, you increase it.

    e.g. Hopes of an early cut in interest rates bolstered confidence.
    e.g. ...a number of measures intended to bolster morale.

2. 巩固(地位);加强
    If someone tries to bolster their position in a situation, they try to strengthen it.

    e.g. Britain is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.

3. bolster的翻译

3. (垫在普通枕头下的)长枕,垫枕
    A bolster is a firm pillow shaped like a long tube which is sometimes put across a bed under the ordinary pillows.

相关词组:bolster up

bolster 单语例句

1. Rising living standards benefit our economy because they will bolster the population's buying power, which is the most essential contributor to the growth of the economy.

2. Gillespie was rushed in to bolster an attack already weakened by the absence of Michael Mason and including several other players with fitness concerns.

3. The company did little to bolster the market's confidence, warning on a conference call that things may yet get worse.

4. The government will introduce the market mechanism into the operation of hospitals, allowing social capital to bolster existing medical services.

5. bolster

5. Government efforts to bolster growth have included cuts in interest rates and bank reserve requirements, as well as delays in tightening lenders'capital requirements.

6. Bank of America said Monday that it would sell most of its remaining shares in CCB this month to bolster its capital base.

7. Some speculate that a victory for President Bush could bolster oil's rally, while a win for challenger John Kerry could ease prices.

8. In addition to the yuan internationalization process, the LME acquisition would also bolster the revenue stream diversification to the local bourse.

9. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke described the economic prospect as " unusually uncertain, " and promised to take additional steps to bolster recovery if economy worsens.

10. But the measure - a clear signal of the government's determination to bolster the fragile market - failed to change the stock market's decline.

bolster 英英释义



1. a pillow that is often put across a bed underneath the regular pillows

    Synonym: long pillow


1. support and strengthen

    e.g. bolster morale

    Synonym: bolster up

2. add padding to

    e.g. pad the seat of the chair

    Synonym: pad

3. prop up with a pillow or bolster
