boil away

boil away [bɔil əˈwei]  [bɔɪl əˈwe] 

boil away 基本解释


boil away 网络解释

1. 不断沸腾:bohunk 无技术工人 | boil away 不断沸腾 | boil down to 归结为

2. 继续沸腾 煮干:go off the boil 停止沸腾 (刺激、兴奋等)过了顶峰 | boil away 继续沸腾 煮干 | boil clear 制造肥皂时煮去多余的水分

3. 不断沸腾, 汽化:boiar || 蟒的一种 | boil away || 不断沸腾, 汽化 | boil clear || 制造肥皂时煮去多余的水分

4. 完全蒸发;煮干:boil 煮沸;沸腾;激化;蒸发 | boil away 完全蒸发;煮干 | boil down 蒸煮;煮浓;熬浓

boil away 词典解释
boil away是什么意思

1. (使)煮干
    When you boil away a liquid, or when it boils away, it is boiled until all of it changes into steam or vapour.

    e.g. Remove the lid and boil away all the liquid...
    e.g. Check every 20 minutes that the water has not boiled away.

boil away 单语例句

1. While waiting for the big bronze hotpot to come to a rolling boil, there are appetizers to while away the time.

2. They made a flying start again this season but went off the boil and eventually fell away on all fronts.
