
bogus [ˈbəʊgəs]  [ˈboʊgəs] 

bogus 基本解释


形容词假冒的,伪造的; 佯作

bogus 网络解释

1. 假的:法案要求必须是的真的(bona fide)非营利性的教育机构始能援用合理使用的免责规定,而假的(bogus)教育机构则不能用合理使用的规定.在数位传输的过程中产生短暂的重制物或录音物可以免责.例如:在伺服器上的快取(cache),

2. 妈咪也疯狂:1996年影片<<妈咪也疯狂>>(Bogus)中,诺曼.杰威逊(Norman Jewison)大胆启用海利为男主角,事实证明了他在剧情片中同样如鱼得水. 1996年影片<<第六感>>(The Sixth Sense)让公众真正认识了这位年轻的小演员,

3. 伪造的:Bogu Studio ==> 博古斋 | bogus ==> 伪造的 | bogus company ==> 虚设公司,空头商行

4. 臆造品:小型张Miniature Sheet | 臆造品Bogus | 邮简Letter Sheet

bogus 词典解释

1. bogus

1. 假的;冒牌的;伪造的
    If you describe something as bogus, you mean that it is not genuine.

    e.g. ...their bogus insurance claim...
    e.g. He said these figures were bogus and totally inaccurate.

bogus 单语例句

1. The landlord eventually noticed that the bills were bogus and reported the woman to police.

2. Some have even responded by providing bogus work contracts to students in exchange for diplomas.

3. Scotland Yard also said Thursday that the cars used in the thieves'getaway had bogus license plates.

4. bogus

4. The relatives of an unidentified victim of the bogus drug react angrily at the news that the drugs were fake and fatal to the patients.

5. Sugar said the event might be bogus but it made good theatre.

6. Investigations continued this weekend into the manufacturing of a bogus drug by a Chinese pharmaceutical company.

7. The ISI official said Davis'visa application contains bogus references and phone numbers.

8. I cannot concur because this argument is bogus, artificial and can be easily altered.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. Evidence such as notebooks, documents and two computers with records of bogus wedding transactions were seized.

10. Then other cities also discovered cases of bogus instant milk being sold.

bogus 英英释义



1. fraudulent
    having a misleading appearance

    Synonym: fake phony phoney bastard
