
bobwhite ['bəʊbˌwaɪt]  ['boʊbˌwaɪt] 

bobwhite 基本解释


bobwhite 网络解释


1. 鹑:从技术上讲,人们可以创造出两个音符的旋律,我们从布谷鸟和北美鹑(bobwhite)的叫声中可以听到两个单音,一个接着一个. 人们不用任何其他声音,也不用任何伴奏,就可以哼出、唱出、吹出这两个音来. 旋律历来以一个特定的音为中心,

2. (北美)鹑:从技术上讲,人们可以创造出两个音符的旋律,我们从布谷鸟和北美鹑(bobwhite)的叫声中可第二个要素是旋律或曲调,它是由连续演奏的一些音符所造成的. 旋律是该曲子所要表达的意思,但20世纪的一些乐曲例外. 即使在今天,

3. 美洲鹑:poultry#家禽 | bobwhite#美洲鹑 | thrush#画眉鸟

4. 鹑的一种(产于美洲):bobweight || 配重, 平衡锤, 秤锤, 铅锤 | bobwhite || 鹑的一种(产于美洲) | bobwig || 短而拳曲的假发

bobwhite 双语例句

1. He had called her, he said, to tell her that there was a bobwhite outside her window and that if she would look out she might see it.

2. My wife one time asked the President about a bobwhite.

3. Upland game bird: grouse, turkey, chukar, pheasant, bobwhite quail, dove

4. Any of several birds, such as the ruff ed grouse or the bobwhite, similar or related to the partridge.


5. Any of various similar or related New World birds, such as the bobwhite.

6. The bobwhite, for example, common in the south-eastern and eastern United States, is decreasing.

7. There was no great difference between R59 and Bobwhite.

8. No hymn lifts my heart higher than the morning call of the bobwhite or the long fluting cry of sandhill cranes out of the sky at dusk.

bobwhite 英英释义



1. a popular North American game bird
    named for its call

    Synonym: bobwhite quail partridge
