1. 雪车:●惠斯勒滑雪中心(Whistler Sliding Centre):雪车(Bobsleigh)、雪橇(Luge)与俯卧式雪橇(Skeleton)将在此登场,场内能容纳1万2000人. 官方所测得赛道上最快的纪录,是去年2月21日男子单人雪橇所创下的每小时153.98公里.
2. 有舵雪车:1922年奥地利的施奈德(Hannas Schneider)创本届冬奥会比赛项目雪车包括有舵雪车(bobsleigh)与无舵雪车(Skeleton也翻译作俯式冰撬)项目. 越野滑雪(Cross-Country Skiing)起源于北欧,故又称北欧滑雪. 据记载,1226年挪威内战时期,
3. 雪橇:卑诗省政府趁冬奥热潮仍在,宣布与阿省在今年底,分别在威士拿及卡加利两个冬奥场地,合办2010-11年度世界杯雪橇(Bobsleigh)及无舵雪车(Skeleton)赛事. 省健康生活及体育厅长张杏芳与阿省旅游厅长埃迪(Cindy ...中新社纽约2月18日电 一架低空飞行的小型飞机18日撞入德克萨斯州奥斯汀市国税局的办公大楼,
4. 有舵雪橇:PS:名词解释bobsleigh:雪橇目前冬奥会比赛项目雪车(BobsleighandTobogganing),即指原来的有舵雪橇(bobsleigh)与平底雪橇(Tobogganing)项目. 比赛规则规定:2人座有舵雪橇长不得超过2.70米,宽0.67米,滑橇板宽度8毫米;4人座有舵雪橇最长3.80米,
1. (滑雪比赛用的)雪橇
A bobsleigh is a vehicle with long thin strips of metal fixed to the bottom, which is used for racing downhill on ice.
1. The bobsleigh run was seriously delayed when workers found asbestos at the planned site and had to move to another mountain.
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2. He represented Monaco at the Olympic Games in the bobsleigh four times.
3. WWF criticized a bobsleigh track and two ski jumps, but praised the organizers for using clean fuel and recycling waste.
4. The popular ski hill was the site for ski jumping and bobsleigh during 1988 Olympic Winter Games.
5. Bobsleigh, luge or ski jumping are regularly broadcast live on national television.
6. Women began competing in bobsleigh for the first time in 2002, at the Salt Lake City Olympic Winter Games.