







bobbling 基本解释
漏接,弄坏( bobble的现在分词 );
bobbling 网络解释

1. 穿饵钓线钓鳗法:bobbin 漂筒 | bobbling 穿饵钓线钓鳗法 | body hook 罐钩

bobbling 双语例句

1. A cork, bobbling in water as waves pass by, is not swept along with the water.

2. We had everything working against us — mistakes, loose balls, bobbling balls out of bounds.

3. And those little tree spirits with the bobbling heads certainly don't hurt either.

4. Of course, the many spies out and about on the Internet reported that this too was a flaming subject, another example of how their airbrush programs are failing to keep pace with the bobbling about that the satellites, the Earth, and Planet X are doing these days.

5. Now there is too much motion, Planet X appearing all over the place, due to bobbling of the satellites and also the Earth and Planet X.

6. These too are not always appearing in predictable spots, due to the bobbling about of the satellites in the turmoil of the eddy flow cup that Earth and its satellites find themselves in at present.

7. This Planet X complex has appeared regularly on both the C2 and C3 images, when the automatic air brushing programs in place to disguise the presence of Planet X falter or when there is dithering or bobbling so it appears in an unexpected place in the images.


8. We had everything working against us & mistakes, loose balls, bobbling balls out of bounds.
