
boards ['bɔ:dz]  ['bɔ:dz] 






boards 基本解释
委员会;纸板;板( board的名词复数 );伙食;上( board的第三人称单数 );收费供…膳宿;强行登;使搭伙;
boards 网络解释

1. 木板:与灯塔管理者交谈得知向南地路不或将通过,(陆地不行找水地)灯塔後面用小刀取得藤(VINES),再用藤将木板(BOARDS)绑在1起造木筏(RAFT)就可向WEST SHANBAR出发.注意;可放录音带给管理员听,能得到较多地信息.

2. 板墙:block a shot 封锁射门 | boards 板墙 | body-check 身体阻截

3. 板子:16 1 Station 分机 | 16 10 1 1 Boards 板子 | 16 10 1 2 Change number 修改号码

4. 板纸; 纸板:boardroom 董事会会议室 | boards 板纸; 纸板 | boardy feel 硬性手感

boards 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. According to a source at an insurance asset management company, insurance capital could be allowed to be invested in blue chips on overseas main boards.

2. boards什么意思

2. Yu said they could put the boards on other places, such as the car body.

3. The momentum carried him over the boards and onto the wall and he fell.

4. She was discovered with her legs twisted between collapsed desks and chairs, and her head under two piling cement boards.

5. He painted with pigments he mixed himself on thin ceramic boards, and had the paintings baked in the oven.

6. Just inside the center's gates, handicapped children played checkers on boards perched on wheelchair armrests.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. The chess boards themselves are far from simple, wired and with sensors to display each move on a giant screen.

8. Though she doesn't make a restaurant decision without consulting the message boards, she's not quite ready to start digging her chopsticks into shared meals with strangers.

9. He reveals circuit boards usually sell for 30 yuan a kilogram in Beijing but become worth 50 yuan once they reach Guangdong.

10. Langlois sits on the boards of both Shanghai Bank and Nanjing City Commercial Bank.

boards 英英释义



1. the boarding that surrounds an ice hockey rink

2. the stage of a theater

    e.g. most actors love to stride the boards
