blue blood

blue blood [blu: blʌd]  [blu blʌd] 

blue blood 基本解释


blue blood 网络解释

1. 贵族血统:3如果父母同胞都这样,那么可能是口唇颜色深,五脏功能无异常、工作生活无任何影响,就不必过虑、任它去吧,可能是很潇洒、很自豪的英国贵族血统(blue blood )呢!

2. 贵族:吸血鬼的文化和叙事给出这样一种限定,吸血鬼体力智力高于我们,灵魂却低于我们,戴锦华的解释:这是新生的资产阶级十足的贵族情结,渴望成为贵族(blue blood)而不得,所以吸血鬼看似高贵,其实不如草根的人类活得自在

3. 贵族出身:blue coat 穿蓝制服的人 警察 | blue blood 贵族出身 | blue eyed 心爱的,易受骗的

4. 黑血液:blue blindness 蓝色盲 | blue blood 黑血液 | blue disease 蓝色病

blue blood 单语例句

1. blue blood什么意思

1. Blood tests and a blue sweater the boy was wearing at the time of his abduction proved he was in fact Wei's missing son.

2. Octopuses are renowned for having three hearts and blue blood, but not usually six legs.

3. One woman lawmaker was seen lying on a blue mattress with nurses checking her blood pressure.

blue blood 英英释义



1. a member of the aristocracy

    Synonym: aristocrat patrician
