blow can

blow can

blow can 单语例句

1. BPA could also be used to deduce evidence that can be presented in court to blow apart a criminal's lies.

2. blow can的解释

2. But while the deaths are obviously fictional, they can also be a severe blow to an actor's career and happiness.

3. The wind turbine can blow the impurities on the surface of grains away.

4. Experienced boatmen can blow up a sheepskin bag within 30 seconds, while for others it may take about 20 minutes.

5. blow can是什么意思

5. You always have to be careful against great players, they can always hit you with a knockout blow.

6. We hope he can turn this blow into a stimulus and do an even better job in the future.

7. blow can是什么意思

7. China's magical mountains lure the world's best climbers and offer an unrivaled taste of heaven but they can also deliver a deadly blow.

8. The mongoose's quick reflexes help it dodge the cobra's defensive bite, and its powerful jaws can dispatch a snake in one blow.

9. Daniel Craig has dealt James Bond bosses another blow - by admitting he can't play poker.

10. But that does not mean China can take the blow dealt by the yuan's faster revaluation without suffering an economic shock.
