
bloodstain [ˈblʌdsteɪn]  [ˈblʌdˌsten] 



bloodstain 基本解释


bloodstain 网络解释

1. 血迹:bloodshot 充血的 | bloodstain 血迹 | bloodstained 血污的

2. 血痕:blood group substance 血型物质 | bloodstain 血痕 | blot 印迹

3. 血痕 血迹:bloodstagnation 血流淤积 血流淤滞 | bloodstain 血痕 血迹 | bloodstainingofcornea 血染角膜

4. 血迹 (名):bloodshot 充血的; 紧张的; 血红的 (形) | bloodstain 血迹 (名) | bloodstained 血污的, 犯杀人罪的 (形)

bloodstain 词典解释

1. 血迹;血污;血痕
    A bloodstain is a mark on a surface caused by blood.

bloodstain 单语例句

1. As the culprit had blocked the right door, no bloodstain was found there.

2. bloodstain的反义词

2. Oil is'the bloodstain of the earth's economy'and will soon trigger a global conflict that will cost millions of lives.

3. Cheung explained that if the gunshot was fired horizontally, the bloodstain on the door would have been more spherical.

4. Chinese People's Public Security University professor Luo Yaping said the size of the bloodstain could also reveal what kind of weapon has been used.

bloodstain 英英释义


1. a discoloration caused by blood
