
bloodshed [ˈblʌdʃed]  [ˈblʌdˌʃɛd] 

bloodshed 基本解释


名词流血; 流血事件; 屠杀,杀戮

bloodshed 相关例句


1. There was a lot of bloodshed during the war.

bloodshed 网络解释

1. 流血:bloodroot 罂粟科植物 | bloodshed 流血 | bloodshot 充血的

2. 流血(与罪得赦):Blood sacrifice血的牺牲103-105 | Bloodshed流血(与罪得赦)121 | Bodmer text布特马抄本(罗法)241

3. 人员伤亡,流血事件:birthright 生来就有的权利 | blog 网络随笔,日志,博客 | bloodshed 人员伤亡,流血事件

4. 流血事件:unrest 动荡局面 | bloodshed 流血事件 | political crisis 政治冲突

bloodshed 词典解释

1. 流血事件;杀戮
    Bloodshed is violence in which people are killed or wounded.

    e.g. The government must increase the pace of reforms to avoid further bloodshed.

bloodshed 单语例句

1. bloodshed

1. President Carter's letter said he hopes bloodshed and hatred will yield to mutual respect and cooperation between Israel and its neighbors.

2. bloodshed

2. The deal comes amid fears that the bloodshed in Sudan's western Darfur region is increasingly spilling over the border into neighboring Chad.

3. The candidate also claims that Washington now has a " moral obligation " to prevent the widespread bloodshed or " ethnic cleansing " that might follow a US withdrawal.

4. It was the first such commemoration in four decades because of official sensitivities over IRA bloodshed.

5. That established a relaxed setting for conciliatory language not heard in the region during three years of bloodshed.

6. bloodshed

6. The crossfire between different parties is still ongoing, and there is still bloodshed from time to time.

7. Afghan officials were optimistic the hostages could be freed without further bloodshed, although the Taliban said the captives would be killed if their demands were not met.

8. Preventing bloodshed has taken precedence over building prosecutions in the aftermath of the Madrid bombings, in which at least half a dozen suspects were well known to police.

9. bloodshed的近义词

9. Violence and bloodshed ensue when discoveries are made, and the undercover men are dispatched to find out their enemy's identities.

10. Attorney General Eric Holder pledged to keep hitting La Familia and the cartels responsible for a wave of bloodshed in Mexico.

bloodshed 英英释义



1. the shedding of blood resulting in murder

    e.g. he avenged the bloodshed of his kinsmen

    Synonym: gore

2. indiscriminate slaughter

    e.g. a bloodbath took place when the leaders of the plot surrendered
           ten days after the bloodletting Hitler gave the action its name
           the valley is no stranger to bloodshed and murder
           a huge prison battue was ordered

    Synonym: bloodbath bloodletting battue
