blood stain

blood stain [blʌd stein]  [blʌd sten] 

blood stain 基本解释

blood stain的翻译


blood stain 网络解释

1. 血痕:血液或血痕(blood stain) 检验是物证检验中最常遇到和最重要的项目. 一般占法医 物证检验的80%以上. 1.血色原结晶试验(hemochromogen crystal test)血红素与各种碱基结合的化合物称为血色原,高山用葡萄糖还原血红蛋白,

2. 血痕,血迹:blood stagnation ==> 血流淤积,血流淤滞 | blood stain ==> 血痕,血迹 | blood staining of cornea ==> 血染角膜

blood stain 单语例句

1. The DNA results show that the blood stain left in the car belongs to Hou.

2. When she arrived at her office, she was reminded by her colleagues due to a the blood stain on her dress.

3. The authorities said the deceased sustained serious head injuries and had blood stain on his clothes.

4. A crowd of young men stand around a huge blood stain on the ground.
