1. 封鎖或(航道之)障礙物:331 Block coefficient Cb方块系数 | 332 Blockades封锁或(航道)之障碍物 | 333 Blower鼓风机
1. It should also realize China's military modernization is inevitable and that blockades, sanctions or containment would only further worsen military ties with the country.
2. The US should realize that any forms of blockades, sanctions and containment will only push bilateral military ties in the wrong direction.
3. We must get rid of trade monopolies and regional blockades to allow free movement of goods and production factors on markets around the country.
4. Opposition leaders announced a truce last weekend to nationwide highway blockades that isolated major cities and triggered gas and food shortages in La Paz.
5. Palestinians are demanding that Israel stop its own attacks against militants and other Palestinians, halt building Jewish settlements and ease military blockades.
6. He has been kept inside both by occasional Israeli military blockades and by threats that he would not be allowed to return if he leaves.
7. His supporters refused to let anyone but security personnel enter the buildings, and some Cabinet ministers have complained the blockades are impeding the state's work.
8. Drivers could experience the right angle turns, continuous blockades and slaloms.
9. It also blocks attempts to create regional trade blockades by restricting the flow of commodities.
10. But Wang Zhongfu also said administrative monopolies, forced deals and market blockades have become a cancer in China's domestic market.