block up

block up [blɔk ʌp]  [blɑk ʌp] 

block up 基本解释

block up的意思

堵塞; 封锁; 垫高; 封闭

block up 词典解释

1. (使)封闭;(使)堵住;(使)封死
    If you block something up or if it blocks up, it is blocked completely so that nothing can get through it.

    e.g. 'Any holes in the kitchen where the mice are getting through?' – 'I've blocked them up.'...
    e.g. Powdering a sweaty nose will only block up the pores and make the skin more uncomfortable...

block up 单语例句

1. Then a paste made of animal glue mixed with talcum powder is spread over its surface to block up the holes in it.

2. A resident on the second floor in the Jiangbei district block was woken by noise on his balcony and got up to take a look.

3. The group has set up a bank account to collect fees from the owners in the east block of the estate.

4. Internet neutrality basically means that Internet service producers should not speed up or slow down or block any traffic on the Web.

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5. A television commercial shown at Yao's news conference featured him jumping up from a basketball court to block a bullet fired at an elephant.

6. block up

6. Movement was nearly impossible on Tuesday as dissidents dug up roads with picks and scattered the paving stones to block major intersections.

7. Chesapeake Energy sponsors a garden that takes up a whole block in Oklahoma City and is tended by more than 350 employees.

8. Lee took up his post in China after Microsoft lost a court battle in the United States seeking to block the move.

9. Officers set up checkpoints to search vehicles, and barriers were placed in front of many police stations to block pedestrians and vehicles.

10. Its unique characteristics make an interior wall thinner than traditional brick and block, saving up to 50 percent of the energy required in conventional construction methods.

block up 英英释义

block up在线翻译


1. render unsuitable for passage

    e.g. block the way
           barricade the streets
           stop the busy road

    Synonym: barricade block blockade stop block off bar
