1. The nurse bleeped the doctor.
1. 哔哔声:bleeding 出血 | bleep 哔哔声 | bleeper 传呼机
2. 删除不雅字眼:bimbo 头脑简单的女人 316 | bleep 删除不雅字眼 318 | boilerplate 制式字句 318
3. 发出此种尖锐高音:bleeding 渗色 | bleep 发出此种尖锐高音 | bleeppiping 尖锐声音
4. 短促的声音信号:screen 银幕 | bleep 短促的声音信号 | alignment 调整
1. (电子仪器发出的)哔哔声,嘟嘟声,短促尖锐的声音
A bleep is a short, high-pitched sound, usually one of a series, that is made by an electrical device.
2. 发出哔哔声;发出嘟嘟声;发出短促尖锐的声音
If something electronic bleeps, it makes a short, high-pitched sound.
e.g. When we turned the boat about, the signal began to bleep again constantly.
相关词组:bleep out
1. bleep
1. " There's no oversized red button " to bleep the broadcast if MacFarlane goes too far, Meron said.