bleeding hearts

bleeding hearts

bleeding hearts 双语例句

1. Outside the Wall 墙外All alone, or in twos, The ones who really love youWalk up and down outside the wall. Some hand in handAnd some gathered together in bands. The bleeding hearts and artistsMake their stand. And when they've given you their allSome stagger and fall, after all it's not easyBanging your heart against some mad bugger's wall.

2. There were rosy bleeding-hearts and great splendid crimson peonies; white, fragrant narcissi and thorny, sweet Scotch roses; pink and blue and white columbines and lilac-tinted Bouncing Bets; clumps of southernwood and ribbon grass and mint; purple Adam-and-Eve, daffodils, and masses of sweet clover white with its delicate, fragrant, feathery sprays; scarlet lightning that shot its fiery lances over prim white musk-flowers

3. But my hands were tied, The bleeding hearts and artistsLet him get away with murder.

4. Friendship can heal the wound of slander, remove the rifts of misunderstanding, console bleeding hearts at any time and in any place, and open up the sweet spring of kindness and generosity.

5. Why, you tired of making small talk with the bleeding hearts?

bleeding hearts的翻译

6. Oh, the New York bleeding hearts have made that a scare word.

7. The trouble with you bleeding hearts is that you're going about it the wrong way. (2) You're trying to outlaw weapons that are as sacred to an American.
