1. 黑色涂料:blacksrap 重油 | blackwash 黑色涂料 | blackwork 软钢锻件
2. 铸模涂料:blacksmith's anvil 锻砧 | blackwash 铸模涂料 | blank 毛坯半制品
3. 黑浆:褐铁矿limonite | 黑浆blackwash | 黑浆blackingwash
4. 造型涂料:blackwash 碳素涂料 | blackwash 造型涂料 | blackwork 铁锻件
1. blackwash的翻译
1. a wash that colors a surface black
2. a mixture of calomel and limewater that is used on syphilitic sores
Synonym: black lotion
3. an attack intended to ruin someone's reputation
Synonym: character assassination assassination
1. color with blackwash
2. bring (information) out of concealment