





blacklists 基本解释
把列入黑名单( blacklist的第三人称单数 );
blacklists 网络解释

1. 黑名单:但诸如黑名单(blacklists)这类意图拦阻大量传发信件的反制措施,是否成事不足败事有余,已引起辩论. 在美国联邦公平交易委员会(FTC)举行的反垃圾邮件会议中,与会者1日针对黑名单的适法性及其利弊得失展开一场争辩. 部分演讲者警告,

2. 电话黑名单:Automated Attendant - 自动话务员 | Blacklists - 电话黑名单 | Blind Transfer - 电话盲转接

blacklists 单语例句

1. In addition, the ministry will improve methods to check illegal additives and publicize blacklists of such additives.

2. blacklists

2. And if the child blacklists her parents for that, they should have nothing to complain about.

3. Consumers feel cheated when told butchers have added water to the meat they eat, and merchants or manufacturers restless when blacklists of problematic products and companies are published.

4. " But Cai's political protest will put his name on the blacklists of auctioneers worldwide, " Gan told China Daily.

5. " We certainly don't believe in Hong Kong being on any of the blacklists, " he said.

6. The government publicized two blacklists of websites and portals violating the country's Internet regulations this week.

7. Harbin Daily quoted an industry insider who said airlines are justified to establish blacklists.

8. blacklists

8. The EU blacklists Hamas as a terror group and refuses to have any dealings with the Islamists.

9. Of course, these two blacklists exposed only those causing water pollution.
