black humor

black humor [blæk ˈhju:mə]  [blæk ˈhjumɚ] 

black humor 基本解释
black humor 网络解释

1. 黑色幽默(一种病态或异乎寻常的幽默):black hat 坏人(西部片中常用) | black humor 黑色幽默(一种病态或异乎寻常的幽默) | blackleg 骗子,工贼

2. 黑色幽默(文学中特别是小说、戏剧中的一种荒唐、怪诞或病态的幽默):black comedy 黑色喜剧(以荒诞、病态和夸张的幽默手法表现对现实世界的一种戏剧... | black humor 黑色幽默(文学中特别是小说、戏剧中的一种荒唐、怪诞或病态的幽默) | black Friday 黑色的星期五(指有任何灾难发生的星期...

3. 黑色幽默(即苦中作乐的):black despair 深深的绝望 | black humor 黑色幽默(即苦中作乐的) | black comedy 黑色喜剧(有悲剧或悲剧成份的喜剧,通常富于讽刺

black humor 单语例句

1. black humor的解释

1. A year previously he had sent a From Our Own Correspondent dispatch, saying that " the kidnap craze has thrown up moments of black humor ".

2. It's rife with Liu's black humor and Feng's street smarts.

3. The play combines Lao She's signature realistic characters with black humor and absurdism, as well as the unique cultural flavor of Beijing.

4. I have always believed that censorship has the great benefit of inadvertently instigating an avalanche of black humor.

5. It's not like in America, where trends like black humor or a writer like Salinger can be widely appreciated.

6. However, they were good at black humor and that humor has frightened a lot of people.

7. black humor

7. According to Zhang, the story will focus on the ordinary people in the way of black humor.

8. Replete with Murong's trademark cynicism and black humor, the book exposes corruption in legal circles.

9. It's not a sequel of Stone but will feature the same signature black humor.

black humor 英英释义


1. the juxtaposition of morbid and farcical elements (in writing or drama) to give a disturbing effect

    Synonym: black humour
