
biting [ˈbaɪtɪŋ]  [ˈbaɪtɪŋ] 









biting 基本解释

形容词尖锐刺人的; 刺痛的; 辛辣的; 嘲讽的

动词咬,叮( bite的现在分词 ); 刺痛; 有咬(或叮)的习性; (人)上当

biting 相关例句



1. His remark has a biting edge to it.

biting 网络解释

1. 刺痛的:biter 咬人动物 | biting 刺痛的 | bitingly 犀利地

2. 轧辊咬入轧件:bitin 比廷 | biting 轧辊咬入轧件 | biting-in 腐蚀

3. 咬人:78.卡脖子:throttle; stranglehold | 79.咬人:biting | 80.贴靠对方:lean on one's opponent

4. 虫咬痛:beating 跳痛 | biting 虫咬痛 | boring 钻顶痛

biting 词典解释

1. 寒冷的;刺骨的;凛冽的
    Biting wind or cold is extremely cold.

    e.g. ...a raw, biting northerly wind...
    e.g. Antarctic air brought biting cold to southern Chile on Thursday.

2. 刻薄的;尖刻的;辛辣的
    Biting criticism or wit is very harsh or unkind, and is often caused by such feelings as anger or dislike.

    e.g. ...a furore caused by the author's biting satire on the Church...
    e.g. This was the most biting criticism made against her.

biting 单语例句

1. Kim also said Comcast is basically a cable company, and might be biting off more than it can chew.

2. Of course, rising domestic prices are also biting deep into enterprises'profits.

3. The virus mainly infects birds, but is also known to infect human bodies mainly through mosquito biting.

4. " Maybe you've been biting this tooth because it's longer than the one next to it, " he reasoned.

5. biting

5. Zhu waited more than six hours in biting cold for the right moment to click the shutter.

6. Tires work by biting into the gaps between the sharp stones in the road surface.

7. biting的意思

7. Are you hesitating before biting into that lovely platter of raw fish?

8. We can work to expand our personal wealth without biting off more than we can chew.

9. The mosquito becomes infected after biting pigs and wild birds infected with the JE virus.

10. Yet right beneath it is a biting sense of humor that comes in the form of banter that is as constant as it is playful.

biting 英英释义



1. causing a sharply painful or stinging sensation
    used especially of cold

    e.g. bitter cold
           a biting wind

    Synonym: bitter

2. biting是什么意思

2. capable of wounding

    e.g. a barbed compliment
           a biting aphorism
           pungent satire

    Synonym: barbed nipping pungent mordacious
