
birthright [ˈbɜ:θraɪt]  [ˈbə:θˌraɪt] 


birthright 基本解释


birthright 网络解释


1. 生来就有的权利:birth trauma 出生创伤 | birthright 生来就有的权利 | bisect 分开

2. 生来就有:birthrate 出生率 | birthright 生来就有 | birthstone 诞生石

3. 生有权:birthplace 出生地 | birthright 生有权 | biscuit 饼乾

4. 与生俱来的权利 与生俱来的权利:binding agreement 有约束力的协议 有约束力的协议 | birthright 与生俱来的权利 与生俱来的权利 | black market 黑市 黑市

birthright 词典解释

1. 与生俱来的权利
    Something that is your birthright is something that you feel you have a basic right to have, simply because you are a human being.

    e.g. Freedom is the natural birthright of every human.

birthright 单语例句

1. birthright的反义词

1. The concept of intelligence and good behaviour can be looked at in a wider way - not in terms of the individual but his birthright.

2. birthright的反义词

2. If we are going to have a new American birthright to care, there will be new American responsibilities.

3. We are sufficiently wealthy and advanced as a society that we should consider financial access to needed medical care a birthright.

4. Many Israelis say the settlements reinforce Israel's claim to lands that are the birthright of the Jewish people.

5. birthright什么意思

5. There are no countries in Europe that offer birthright citizenship and only one in Asia - Pakistan.

6. However, no nation or region can assume continued economic primacy as a birthright.

7. In the end though, is birthright no more than the luck of the draw?

8. Since Adam and Eve begat Caine and Abel, one's birthright has proved to be more than a benign designation.

9. Don't let the US continue to dominate a field that should be China's by cultural birthright.

birthright 英英释义



1. personal characteristics that are inherited at birth

2. a right or privilege that you are entitled to at birth

    e.g. free public education is the birthright of every American child

3. an inheritance coming by right of birth (especially by primogeniture)

    Synonym: patrimony
