1. 传记片:背叛Betrayal | 传记片Biographies | 异态混搭Bisociation
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1. At least two biographies of Xu have been published as his life story and his translations of Indian classical text attract widespread intellectual attention.
2. He says he can draw on the spirit of those profiled in biographies like political giants such as Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.
3. His name does not appear in Kissinger's memoirs or in recent biographies of Mao.
4. Han was also known for writing biographies of late Chinese leaders Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai.
5. Biographies and other books on Pal have been published recently, leading to a renewed interest in the man.
6. He is also fond of reading, especially biographies and Mao Zedong anthologies.
7. I've been enthralled with biographies since the third grade, and this one is beautifully written.
8. These days the only hobby that complements his long hours of work is reading biographies.
9. Companies that write family biographies and update family trees have emerged in Beijing.
10. Four of the more than 30 kinds of books I've published on Redology have been biographies about Cao.