
bindle ['baɪndl]  ['baɪndl] 

bindle 基本解释


bindle 网络解释

1. 铺盖卷:bindiny mechanism 连接机构 | bindle 铺盖卷 | bindlestiff 流浪者

2. 临时油矿工的炊具和衣物:binding 捆绑 | bindle 临时油矿工的炊具和衣物 | bindler 带炊具和衣物的临时油矿工

3. 流浪汉的铺盖卷:流浪汉beachcombercanterhobosundownerswaggieswagmanvag | 流浪汉的铺盖卷bindle | 流浪生活hoboism

4. 流浪汉的铺盖卷, 包:bindiny mechanism || 连接机构 | bindle || 流浪汉的铺盖卷, 包 | bindlestiff || 流浪者

bindle 双语例句

1. A long way off they could see the silver on the bindle and the saddle, and the knight's silver coat of mail shining in the sun.


2. A more globular wonton can be formed by bringing all four corners together and sealing the inner edges together in that configuration, resulting in a shape reminiscent of a stereotypical hobo's bindle made by tying all four corners of a bandanna together.
