
bikini [bɪˈki:ni]  [bɪˈkini] 


bikini 基本解释

名词比基尼岛; 比基尼式游泳衣

bikini 网络解释


1. 比基尼"泳装:一种是基于原先的四角裤造型的低腰款(我比较喜欢),另一种则是低腰宽松长款(齐膝). 请大家根据自己的身材进行选择. 比基尼的名称本来指太平洋的马绍尔群岛的无人岛屿比基尼岛. 去年是比基尼泳装(Bikini)诞辰60...

2. 三点式泳衣:美国的审美文化以健康性感为美,女性喜穿三点式泳衣(bikini)游泳及日光浴. 穿bikini时腋窝切口瘢痕容易暴露,乳晕切口反倒隐蔽. 女性喜欢的乳房假体较国内的大. 曾见到一位白人女性已做了600ml手术的假体隆乳,但在其丈夫的鼓励下,

3. 比坚尼:天文学家预测离地球只有七千五百光年的亮星海山二星(Eta Carinae)随时都会发生一场惊心动魄的超新星爆炸﹐将是一场最佳的声光美国宇航局(NASA)艺术家...超辣!!清凉比坚尼(Bikini)美少女超辣!!清凉比坚尼(Bikini)美少女 Reon Kadena

bikini 词典解释

1. bikini

1. 比基尼泳装
    A bikini is a two-piece swimming costume worn by women.

bikini 单语例句

1. " A bikini for a beach vacation is like an evening gown for a banquet, " Liu said.

2. To become a bikini beauty, you need to take care of every inch of your skin.

3. Spring breakers broke the world record for the largest ever bikini parade.

4. Moss donned a string bikini bottom for the nonce and skated on.

5. bikini

5. It has to be said Angelina looks good in a bikini, but it doesn't come without some hard graft.

6. The bikini top was still around her neck and her wrists and ankles were bound.

7. bikini的意思

7. Mariah Carey is planning to wear a bikini and roll in snow this Christmas.

8. Lindsay Lohan strips down to her bikini in this short film by renowned artist Richard Phillips.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Pamela Anderson wants to host a vegan cooking show in a bikini.

10. bikini的近义词

10. And yes, there is a Jacuzzi up there for all the bikini babies.

bikini 英英释义



1. a woman's very brief bathing suit

    Synonym: two-piece
