
bib [bɪb]  [bɪb] 


bib 基本解释

名词(小儿用的)围嘴; 围裙的上部

bib 网络解释

1. 围兜:当你在餐馆里点了烤龙虾,服务员也许会提供一个围兜(Bib)用来保护你的衣服. 如果你不想把汤、意大利面、沙拉等等弄到衣服上,下面很可能是一种保护你自己的较优雅的方法:当你吃这种易溅的食物时,把你的椅子拉近你的桌子,

2. 围嘴:拟饵的内在游泳特性设定在某一种深度,一枚拟饵能潜得多深,主要取决於围嘴(Bib)的长短. 当然,在钓场实地使用时,钓线直径和抛投或拖钓的距离和速度,也将影响潜水深度. 钓线愈是幼细,收线或拖钓的距离愈远、速度愈快,

3. 儿童背带裤:婴儿爬行服layette | 儿童背带裤bib | 尿布diaper

4. 上部:bib and tucker 衣服 | bib 上部 | bibber 酒鬼

5. bib:bus interface board; 总线接口板

6. bib:backward indicator bit; 倒推指示器位

7. bib:backward indication bit; 后向标志比特

8. bib:bioentries intragastric balloon; 但内置胃气球

bib 词典解释

1. 围嘴儿
    A bib is a piece of cloth or plastic which is worn by very young children to protect their clothes while they are eating.

bib 单语例句

1. She put a bib on me but I wasn't drooling yet.

2. In Hong Kong, the Michelin people have also published their guide handing out stars and bib gourmand recommendations.

bib 英英释义


1. a napkin tied under the chin of a child while eating

2. top part of an apron
    covering the chest


1. drink moderately but regularly

    e.g. We tippled the cognac

    Synonym: tipple
