
biathlon [baɪˈæθlən]  [baɪ'æθlən] 

biathlon 基本解释

名词冬季两项; 两项竞赛

biathlon 网络解释

1. 冬季两项:产生金牌数 10枚 冬季两项(Biathlon) 冬季两项起源于斯堪的纳维亚半岛,由远古时代的滑雪狩猎演变而来. 1960年被列为冬奥会比赛项目,并定名为现代冬季两项 比赛场馆 塞萨纳-圣西卡里奥滑雪场 产生金牌数 10枚 俯式冰橇(Skeleton) 俯式冰橇采取俯卧姿势脸朝下,

2. 现代冬季两项:PS2 滑雪射击(Ski and shoot)美版PS2 滑雪射击(Ski and shoot)美版简介現代冬季兩項(biathlon)是射擊和滑雪的混合運動,起源於古代的狩獵滑雪,而第一次正式的冬季兩項比賽則起源於挪威,該運動目前是冬奧會正式比賽項目.

3. 滑雪射击:滑雪射击(biathlon) 也称现代冬季两项. 选手必须有敏捷的身手,超人的眼力,还有 越野滑雪手坚韧的毅力. 选手先滑一段雪,然后停下来用小口径步枪 射击 50 公里外的靶,然后重复. 单人项目中,选手必须射四次,而且必须对换着站立和俯伏的姿 势,

4. 两项:微型定向的出现, 是模仿冬季奥运项目雪地两项 (Biathlon) 而成. 雪地两项配合有指定赛道的越野滑雪及固定距离射击, 当选手滑了一段距离便要到射击场打靶, 每次五个, 打不中一个便要罚完成一个百多米长的圈. 由於滑雪者经过剧烈运动后,

biathlon 单语例句

1. Mayer left the Austrian biathlon and cross country team base in the Italian Alps sometime before or during the overnight raids.

2. Also being held in Almaty are bobsled, biathlon and ski orienteering events.

3. biathlon在线翻译

3. The objective in biathlon is to complete the course in the least amount of time, hitting as many targets as possible to avoid time penalties.

4. Chinese biathlon skiers are strong medal contenders at the games as well.

5. And in July, the International Biathlon Union suspended three Russian athletes for two years for doping violations.

6. It is a combination of running and rifle marksmanship, which is based on the Olympic winter biathlon.

7. Curling and the biathlon men's relay finals will be on cable.
