between cup and lip

between cup and lip [biˈtwi:n kʌp ænd lip]  [bɪˈtwin kʌp ənd lɪp] 

between cup and lip 基本解释

副词在事情将成未成之际,在紧要关头,功败垂成; 成败未卜

between cup and lip 网络解释

1. 在事情将成未成之际:bettor 打赌者 | Betty 贝蒂 | between cup and lip 在事情将成未成之际

2. (事情)将成未成之际; 即将到手:be fond of the cup 好酒贪杯 | between cup and lip (事情)将成未成之际; 即将到手 | Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip. [谚]吃到嘴里才算是你的.

3. 在事情将成未成之际, 在紧要关头, 功败垂成:between churches || 上次做礼拜与下次做礼拜相隔期间 | between cup and lip || 在事情将成未成之际, 在紧要关头, 功败垂成 | between girl || 家庭助理女工

between cup and lip 双语例句

1. There is many a slip between the cup and the lip.

2. He lost the money between cup and lip.

3. He fell ill between cup and lip.

4. You hope to inherit your aunt's fortune! Well, remember there's many a slip between cup and lip; she may marry again.

5. There's many a slip between the cup and the lip! Who knows what may happen.
