
betting [ˈbetɪŋ] [ˈbetiŋ] 



过去分词:bet; betted

过去式:bet; betted

betting 基本解释


动词敢说,八成儿( bet的现在分词 ); 打赌(on,against,with); 敢断定; 敢说

betting 相关例句

1. What's the betting he'll be late?

betting 网络解释

1. 打赌:hypobenthile 深海的 | betting 打赌 | cohab 未婚同居者

2. 打赌;赌博;博彩:betterment 不动产增值;地产增值;改善;改良 | betting 打赌;赌博;博彩 | binding effect 约束力;约束效能

3. 打赌, 赌博 (名):betterment 改善; 改良; 改进 (名) | betting 打赌, 赌博 (名) | bettor 打赌者; 赌博者 (名)

4. 打赌, 打賭:35. Gambling -- 赌博, 賭博 | 36. Betting -- 打赌, 打賭 | 37. Tickets -- 票

betting 词典解释

1. 很有可能;十有八九
    If you say the betting is that something will happen or is true, you are suggesting that it is very likely to happen or to be true.

    e.g. The betting is that the experience will make Japan more competitive still.

betting 单语例句

1. betting的翻译

1. The Year of the Tiger is almost over, with those betting on the equity market experiencing a good deal of shocks and surprises.

2. Speculators betting on a hefty appreciation would be undermined if the Chinese currency turns out to rise only step by step.

3. Futures are better betting tools than cash market products because they allow leverage.

4. While they are cautiously optimistic about China's economic prospects this year, many are betting on steady State investment to stabilize growth.

5. And then there's the one about him winning a few hundred thousand pounds betting with his office mates on the Rugby World Cup in 1995.

6. In addition it was linked to Interpol too, to gather a large quantity of betting industry information.

7. Symantec is betting the joint venture will help give its security and data management group a needed boost.

8. He was also against " democrat " Andrew Cheng's amendment, which asked the jockey club to list all the betting formats in the ordinance.

9. betting的翻译

9. Analysts said Washington is now betting on both the democratically elected president and the armed forces to reaffirm their alliances with Egypt.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. The government should also make due preparations and take effective countermeasures to deal with the betting of some hedge funds on the yuan's depreciation.

betting 英英释义


1. preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure and especially games of chance

    e.g. led a dissipated life
           a betting man
           a card-playing son of a bitch
           a gambling fool
           sporting gents and their ladies

    Synonym: dissipated card-playing sporting
