beneath notice

beneath notice [biˈni:θ ˈnəutis]  [bɪˈniθ ˈnotɪs] 

beneath notice 基本解释

beneath notice在线翻译

不值得注意的; 卑卑不足道; 瞧不上眼

beneath notice 网络解释


1. 不值得注意的:beneath contempt 卑鄙之极 | beneath notice 不值得注意的 | beneceptor 良性感受器

2. 无足轻重:29.Froof Positive前车之鉴 | 30.Beneath Notice无足轻重 | 31.Why the Ant Is a Thief本性难移

3. 不值得注意:◆he bent his mind to the job. 他专心于他的工作 | beneath notice 不值得注意 | beneath one''s dignity 有失身份

4. 不值得注重的:beneath contempt 卑鄙之极 | beneath notice 不值得注重的 | beneceptor 良性感受器

beneath notice 双语例句

1. I'm a small potato, so I'm always beneath my boss notice.

2. What he said is beneath notice.

3. It is incorrect to think of such things as beneath our notice.

beneath notice的反义词

4. He claimed that what he had done was beneath notice.

5. It would have been beneath him to notice her.

6. What happened at the university is beneath the notice of the local newspaper.

beneath notice

7. He thinks the rest of us are beneath his notice.

8. It is true that he used the old patterns all his life with dogged conservatism (another Sansculotte characteristic, by the way but the imposed on them such an overwhelming charge of human energy and passion, including that highest passion which accompanies thought, and reduces the passion of the physical appetites to mere animalism, that he not only played Old Harry with their symmetry but often made it impossible to notice that there was any pattern at all beneath the storm of emotion.

9. He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice.

10. My neighbor considers everybody and everything beneath his notice.

11. Many a sailing-boat passes by this village; many a traveller takes rest beneath that banyan tree; the ferry-boat crosses to yonder ford carrying crowds to the market; but they never notice this spot by the village road, near the pool with its ruined landing-stairs, -where dwelt she whom I love.

beneath notice的意思

12. It is beneath notice.

13. He regarded all these things as beneath notice.

14. And the white men sat eating as if the food was beneath notice.


15. On the contrary, they were taken as signs of weakness and as beneath notice.

16. She regarded the matter beneath notice.

beneath notice的近义词

17. Such a fellow as that is beneath my notice.

18. The rude remarks of such an ill-mannered man are beneath my notice.


19. Their insults should be beneath you notice.

20. He shrugged off my criticism as though it were beneath his notice.
