
beliefs [bɪ'li:fs]  [bɪ'li:fs] 


beliefs 基本解释
beliefs 网络解释

1. 信仰:不同文化有不同的道德准则(values)、信仰(beliefs)、看法(attitudes)和隐含的文化臆断(cultural assumptions),即人们认为是理所当然的事情. 通过体验,引导学生挖掘那些已成为自身一部分、却又被自己忽视的臆断,其中,

2. 观念:词汇学习观念(beliefs)是指学习者在学习词汇过程中通过自身的体验或外界的影响逐渐形成的一种看法:1)记忆观念;2)习得观念;3)操练观念. 持第一种观念的人认为单词必须死记硬背;持第二种观念的人认为通过广泛阅读可以习得大量词汇;

3. 信仰;主张:Behrens-Fisher problem 具伦斯-费雪问题 | Beliefs 信仰;主张 | Bellman principle of optimality 贝尔曼最优原则

beliefs 单语例句

1. The alleged cannibalism apparently is linked to magical beliefs that eating body parts conveys special powers.

2. How investors incorporate this analysis into their investment activity depends on their beliefs about the gold market.

3. But an encounter with a naive young carpenter traveling with his life savings challenges their beliefs.

4. beliefs

4. Cast aside your prejudices and dogmatic beliefs, and you'll see that there is an aesthetic reason to the phenomenon.

5. Aside from the clashes between religious leaders, the clash of Catholicism with local people's beliefs is also highlighted in the book.

6. beliefs什么意思

6. Ancient stone carvings offer a peek into the life and beliefs in China centuries ago.

7. The monks still cling dearly to the supposed power of their beliefs, augmenting their modern firefighting equipment by praying for protection from fire.

8. Bishops differ on whether Catholic lawmakers should refrain from receiving Communion if they diverge from central church beliefs.

9. Koreans have traditionally cherished Confucian beliefs that their bodies are inherited from ancestors and never are to be tampered with.

10. Sudanese state media said on Wednesday that Gibbons faced charges of insulting Islam, inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs.
