
belching [beltʃɪŋ]  [beltʃɪŋ] 





belching 基本解释

动词打嗝( belch的现在分词 ); 喷出,吐出; 打(嗝); 嗳(气)

belching 网络解释

1. 嗳气:3.2嗳气(belching)是反刍动物正常的消化活动. 嗳气是指反刍兽通过瘤胃收缩和腹肌压迫,将瘤胃内食物发酵产生的气体经过食道、口腔和鼻腔排出体外的过程. 一般每小时约有嗳气活动牛为20~30次,羊为9~11次. 可以通过视诊和听诊的方法检查动物的嗳气活动.

2. 反酸、嗳气:beefy tongue 牛肉舌 | belching 反酸、嗳气 | biceps reflex 肱二头肌反射

3. 液泛:127. beehive type electrode 蜂窝式电极 | 128. belching 液泛 | 129. bell cap 钟帽

4. 汽水沸出:belcher || 彩色围巾, 尤指兰色上有白点的围巾 | belching || 汽水沸出 | beld || 秃头的

belching 单语例句

1. The backdrop included the endless sound of classroom windows breaking amid palls of smoke belching into the sky.

2. They burned huge quantities of coal, their chimneys belching black smoke day and night.

3. DUBLIN - It's been a month now, and Iceland's volcano shows no sign it will stop belching ash across Europe anytime soon.

4. belching

4. The haze from belching factories and dust from construction sites lead to a pollution level that is simply shocking.

5. Porcelain factories were built in the same areas as residential compounds, with large chimneys belching soot into the air.

6. During their childhood, the sight of heavy trucks belching black smoke might excite boys.

7. But in the past decade, it has become synonymous with chimneys belching out thick clouds of smoke.

8. belching的解释

8. Acrid white tear gas fired by helmeted officers mixed with black smoke belching from tires lit by the demonstrators..

belching 英英释义



1. a reflex that expels gas noisily from the stomach through the mouth

    Synonym: belch burp burping eructation

2. belching

2. the forceful expulsion of something from inside

    e.g. the belching of smoke from factory chimneys
