
behold [bɪˈhəʊld]  [bɪˈhoʊld] 





behold 基本解释

及物动词看到,注视; 领悟

不及物动词瞧; 用在祈使句中以引起人注意


behold 相关例句



1. They beheld the night scene of the city.

2. He beheld the boat sink.


1. Behold! What a beautiful sight it is!

behold 网络解释

1. 目睹;看见:beholden 对...感激的 | behold 目睹;看见 | delectation 愉快, 款待

2. 见到:behindhand落后的 | behold见到 | beholden表示感谢

3. 拉住!停住:behind test 船后试验 | Behold! 拉住!停住 | Bei Daxiyang Dongji 北大西洋冬季载重线

behold 词典解释

1. 看见;看到
    If you behold someone or something, you see them.

    e.g. She looked into his eyes and beheld madness...
    e.g. He was a joy to behold.

2. behold

2. (用于引起注意)看,瞧
    People used to say or write 'Behold' to draw people's attention to something.

    e.g. Fear Not. Behold The Saviour...
    e.g. Behold a series of thrilling photographs of Felix.

3. lo and behold -> see lo

behold 单语例句

1. The feverish excitement that runs through their little bodies as they await the arrival of Santa Claus bearing gifts is always a joy to behold.

2. behold

2. The smile that lighted his face was beautiful to behold, and the satisfaction on his face was heartwarming.

3. behold的解释

3. The weekend is over in a wink and lo and behold, it's Monday morning.

4. These chubby mammals feed on flowers and it was a joy to behold them frolicking in the tree cover above.

5. When the man from Rosario got it - which was often - the destruction he wrought was something special to behold.

6. behold是什么意思

6. The baked stuffed crab shells were something to behold but then so were the dim sum.

7. The throngs of young people on the streets at Wudaokou's noisy night market are also a sight to behold.

8. Snowy peaks form a huge backdrop whose beauty is a feast to behold.

9. behold

9. That's a novelty in the current production climate and a wonder to behold.

10. Flowers are not only beautiful to behold but can be quite tasty as well.

behold 英英释义



1. see with attention

    e.g. behold Christ!

    Synonym: lay eyes on
