
behavior [bɪ'heɪvjə]  [bɪˈhevjɚ] 

behavior 基本解释

名词行为; 态度; (机器等的)运转状态; (事物的)反应

behavior 同义词


名词conduct behaviour deportment action manner

behavior 反义词



behavior 相关例句



1. The aircraft's behavior was satisfactory on its first test flight.

2. He was on his best behavior.

3. Everyone praises the children's good behavior.

behavior 情景对话



A:Hi Diane, do you have a minute?

B:Sure, what’s up?

A:Well, I just wanted to apologize for my behavior lately. I just haven’t been myself.

B:You have been acting a little strange.

A:No, not just a little. I’ve been really rude to you and I’m sorry. I know you must think I’m a fair-weather friend.

B:To be honest, I was a little hurt, but I figured that you must be having a difficult time right now in your life.

A:You’re right, I am. But that’s no excuse to treat you poorly. Will you forgive me?

B:Of course I will. That’s what friends are for! So tell me, how is your sister?

A:She’s still in the hospital.

B:Do the doctors know what’s wrong with her yet?

A:No, they’re still doing tests and trying to figure out new medications in the hope that something will work.

B:How is she holding up?

A:She’s the same as always, surprisingly enough! She’s always been the funny one and she still is. Even at a time like this, she’s making jokes. She’s amazing.

behavior 网络解释

1. 表现:在教学中常用ABCD法,即主体(Audience)、表现(Behavior)、条件(Condition)、程度(Degree)四个要素来确定课堂教学目标,我们在制定阅读课时教学目标时也可以借鉴.

2. 动作:则应选中版面调整(Layout Adjustment)对话框中的哪些选项下列有关页面(Page)调板的描述,哪些是错误的B:页面调板分为上下两部分,上部分为主页(Master Page),下部分为文档页(Document Page)InDesign总哪些操作事件(Eent)可以引发动作(Behavior)?

3. 性能:这种基本模型表示了任何一个设计对象的功能特性和结构特性,它可以包括目的(purpose)、功能(function)、性能(behavior)和结构(structure)等. 各种对象描述模型就可以根据其相应学科观念选择或强调相应的方面或参数,

behavior 单语例句

1. behavior的近义词

1. Expatriates aren't the only ones dismayed by this behavior, of course.

2. Kids want to feel mature by imitating adult behavior, and many see smoking as a symbol of being an adult.

3. Only when citizens can get huge compensation through legal action will the food safety system really affect the behavior of enterprises.

4. A retreat and rebound behavior will provide a new low point for the calculation of a new upward trend line.

5. Some of them confuse the real world with violent games and this confusion leads to replicating violent actions and criminal behavior in the real world.

6. Recordings from 49 neurons responsible for the earliest stages of visual processing, researchers found activation that mirrored the behavior.

7. behavior的近义词

7. I tried to calm down and talked to him about how dangerous his behavior was.

8. Beijing's traffic and congestion problem cannot be improved without a fundamental change in drivers'behavior.

9. When they use fake photographs and video footage to slander a real ancient civilization, one cannot but wonder if that is what they call civilized behavior.

10. Octopuses are well studied in captivity but because they are shy and often nocturnal, their natural wild behavior is less understood.

behavior 英英释义


1. behavior是什么意思

1. manner of acting or controlling yourself

    Synonym: behaviour conduct doings

2. (psychology) the aggregate of the responses or reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation

    Synonym: behaviour

3. (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people

    Synonym: demeanor demeanour behaviour conduct deportment

4. the action or reaction of something (as a machine or substance) under specified circumstances

    e.g. the behavior of small particles can be studied in experiments

    Synonym: behaviour
