
beetroot [ˈbi:tru:t]  [ˈbitˌrut, -ˌrʊt] 


beetroot 基本解释



beetroot 网络解释


1. 甜菜根:甜菜根(Beetroot)目前是生机饮食界里的明星,但相信许多人都没看过甜菜根,更别提吃过甜菜根. 甜菜根 生机饮食界的超级明星. 甜菜根(Beetroot)目前是生机饮食界里的明星,但相信许多人都没看过甜菜根,更别提吃过甜菜根.

2. 甜菜:在头一年里,第一块地可以种各种根茎蔬菜,例如胡萝卜,防风草(parsnips)和甜菜(beetroot),同时还可以种植百合科葱属蔬菜如洋葱,大蒜和青蒜;第二块地可以种植甜玉米,南瓜,葫芦,黄瓜,甚至一些西瓜.

3. 甜菜头:虾夷葱 (Chives) 及甜菜头 (Beetroot) 里有延胡索酸. 枷子及小红萝卜(Radish)里有没食子酸. 这些微量的有机酸集聚在一起,也是儿茶素及表儿茶素的前体,随时可以转变成为儿茶素及表儿茶素. 儿茶素及表儿茶素是一种强力的抗氧化剂,

4. 红菜头:红菜头(beetroot)原是寒带植物,产于地球上的高纬度地区. 北欧地区沒有甘蔗,就用它来造糖. 它的鲜艳红色一见难忘. 人们熟知的莫斯科红菜汤,就是以红菜头为主料了.

beetroot 词典解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 甜菜根
    Beetroot is a dark red root that is eaten as a vegetable. It is often preserved in vinegar.

in AM, use 美国英语用 beet
beetroot 单语例句

1. beetroot

1. This is Russian or beetroot Borscht, a soup that sits on the stove all year round in traditional Eastern European homes.

2. I found the Smoked Eel and Beetroot Terrine a good choice as an appetizer.

3. It is not as mad as it sounds because the beetroot sweetens the cake and adds an earthy note to the chocolate flavor.

4. beetroot是什么意思

4. The main meat was whole piece of suckling pig cooked at low temperature, accompanied with beetroot and corn cake.

5. The slightly peppery white radish teases your palate, which is then cleansed by the mellow and sweet taste of the beetroot.

6. The beetroot puree had first been cooked for hours, then mixed with broth and beaten into mush.

7. beetroot的翻译

7. The last recipe is my surprise for the day, a chocolate cake recipe with lots of beetroot in it.

8. The beetroot also gives the chocolate cake a deep tinge of red that is very attractive.

9. It presents an aroma of plums and cherries, with a slight hint of beetroot and spices.

10. Stir in the beetroot and finally fold in the peanut butter chips.

beetroot 英英释义



1. beetroot的解释

1. round red root vegetable

    Synonym: beet

2. beet having a massively swollen red root
    widely grown for human consumption

    Synonym: Beta vulgaris rubra
