beef cattle

beef cattle [bi:f ˈkætl]  [bif ˈkætl] 

beef cattle 基本解释

名词肉用牛; 菜牛

beef cattle 网络解释

1. 菜牛:beechy山毛榉的 | beef cattle菜牛 | beef extract浓缩牛肉汁

2. 肉牛:beef 牛肉 | beef cattle 肉牛 | beef type 肉用型

3. 肉用牛:bedrock基岩;底岩 | beef cattle肉用牛 | behavioral adjustment行为适应

4. 赖氨酸:稻米品质:High Quality | 赖氨酸:Beef cattle | 鲜牛肉:fresh beef

beef cattle 单语例句

1. The president also said imports of beef from cattle older than 30 months should be prevented.

2. Currently import of Canadian boneless beef from cattle aged under 30 months is allowed in Taiwan.

3. In August, the United States began again to accept some Canadian beef from younger cattle.


4. Kobe beef is a specialty, as well as beautifully presented beef from other cattle.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The Bush administration has since opened its border to some Canadian beef, but live cattle remain prohibited.

6. beef cattle

6. The company is the nation's largest supplier of beef from the Holstein breed of dairy cattle.

7. In Brazil, the total beef herd stands at over 200 million head of cattle.

8. beef cattle

8. Other countries restrict imports of older American beef, such as Japan that only allows meat from cattle younger than 20 months.

9. Beef and Lamb New Zealand represented the country's sheep and cattle farmers when the government was negotiating the FTA.


10. Live Australian cattle account for up to 40 percent of Indonesia's beef consumption, while Indonesia buys 60 percent of Australia's live cattle exports.

beef cattle 英英释义



1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. cattle that are reared for their meat

    Synonym: beef
