
beaten [ˈbi:tn]  [ˈbitn] 





beaten 基本解释


形容词被打败的; 锤薄的; 耗损的,常走的; 筋疲力尽的

动词(心脏等)跳动( beat的过去分词); 击打; (风、雨等)吹打

beaten 相关例句

1. His colleagues are planning to go somewhere off the beaten track for the summer holidays.

beaten 网络解释

1. 挫败:beaten track 常规 | beaten 挫败 | beater 搅拌器

2. 疲惫;破败:beat 敲打;跳动 | beaten 疲惫;破败 | beating 鞭打;脉□

3. 筋疲力尽的:beat of pulse 脉搏 | beaten 筋疲力尽的 | beating fantasy 毒打幻想

4. 击打:bear 忍受 borne, born | beat 击打 beaten | become 变成 become

beaten 词典解释

1. (泥土)被踩硬的,被压实的
    Beaten earth has been pressed down, often by people's feet, until it is hard.

    e.g. Before you is a well-worn path of beaten earth.

2. 偏僻的;人迹罕至的;荒无人烟的
    A place that is off the beaten track is in an area where not many people live or go.

    e.g. Tiny secluded beaches can be found off the beaten track.

beaten 单语例句

1. A businesswoman from Hong Kong was beaten in Chaoyang District simply because she called herself Chinese.

2. But what is a guy to do when he gets beaten by a woman?

3. He had beaten Crocker to second place in 100m butterfly, still receives a sixth gold for his participation in the heats.

4. Hamilton won three races last season but was beaten by Jenson Button, the first teammate who has ever finished a campaign ahead of him overall.

5. Nuggets coach George Karl knew his team had been beaten by a fluke.

6. beaten是什么意思

6. They are on call 24 hours a day and are often beaten if they make a mistake.

7. Police also found during their investigation that Tung had beaten her daughter with a cane during a quarrel before she left home.

8. The lesbian activist had been repeatedly stabbed with broken glass, and beaten so severely with chunks of concrete that her teeth had been knocked out.

9. But the Jazz don't believe they can be beaten regularly with just two opposing players carrying the scoring load.

10. beaten的翻译

10. Condemned by Emperor Claudius II for refusing to denounce his faith, he was beaten with clubs and stoned before being beheaded on Feb 14 AD 269.

beaten 英英释义



1. formed or made thin by hammering

    e.g. beaten gold
